Celebration of the European Day of Languages – 28th September 2018

To celebrate the European Day of Languages which is on the 26th September, I would love to organise a special event to gather the INTERNATIONAL members to participate in a LANGUAGE game:
The European Day of Languages is a time to celebrate the 6,000+ languages spoken around the world, promote language learning and have some multilingual fun!
Join the Meet up group MK International Language cafe
Thank you to all the lovely International members who made last night the great International #gathering for the celebration of the European Day of #languages on the 28th September 2018 with #international… https://t.co/0lTGCioLl3
Thank you to all the lovely International members who made last night the great International #gathering for the celebration of the European Day of #languages with #international… https://t.co/0lTGCioLl3 It is the recordings from the International Meet up from last Friday to celebrate the European day of Languages. #learnlanguages #languages #MK international #language #cafe #miltonkeynes #lingomix #Secklow https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PuxTZG8Fw4e1sr6PysrH-dLTNpt5g-23/view?usp=drivesdk